This Inspection will clear up any concerns you have about the health of your house.
As long as lead paint is in good condition, and the surface hasn’t been broken, the paint doesn’t pose a serious health threat. The problem comes when the lead paint starts deteriorating, when lead dust and flakes of lead paint begin accumulating on surfaces such as window sills, counter tops, and floors, as well as on children’s toys, clothes, and bedding. It can also contaminate soil around the house. Small children, who have a tendency to put their hands and other objects in their mouth, are at an increased risk of accumulating harmful amounts of lead in their bodies. Anyone can be dangerously affected by exposure to lead. But children under age 6 are especially vulnerable to lead poisoning, for several reasons.
Our Lead Dust Swipe Testing is simply a swab test that will detect the presence of lead. It does not detect the amount of lead or on what layer of paint the lead is present. Lab analysis would be required for these more precise measurements.
This Inspection will clear up any concerns you have about the health of your house.
This Inspection is a non-destructive testing that makes visible the heat differences across the surfaces.
This inspection is an extended examination of the physical structure and system of your home.
This inspection examines your property to identify any potential repairs that need to be made.
This Inspection makes visible the heat differences across the surfaces.
This Inspection is when a continuous read monitor is placed in the lowest level living space within the house.